The Latest Concrete Plant Dust Collectors and Dust Suppression Considerations

A very important aspect of any concrete plant is the ability to maintain the amount of dust that is produced. There are often several dust suppression devices operating while it is producing concrete throughout the day and night. They must have filtration systems that are able to collect the dust and then transition that to a safer location. If you have workers that are at your facility, preventing them from inhaling the dust is going to help them maintain high levels of safety. Here is what you should know about the dust collectors that are used on concrete plants and how they are able to suppress dust production.

Why Is Dust Produced At A Concrete Plant?

Dust is produced simply because you are using materials that are essentially dust to begin with. When you produce concrete, you are going to use aggregate materials and also cement(agregados y cemento), both of which may have smaller particular components that can get into the air. When this mixture is produced, prior to the water being added, the dust can fly freely. That’s why it’s important to have these in place, at the proper locations, to collect as much dust as possible. As you sift through the many different options online, you must make a decision. You can either purchase an entirely new unit with the best filtrations already installed. The other option is to purchase a new filtration system for dust collection and suppression that will work with your existing concrete production plants.

Concrete Mixing Plant
Concrete Mixing Plant

What Type Of Filtration Systems Will Use?

There are two different types of filtration systems that are used. First of all, there are systems that will literally vacuum the air, sucking in all of the dust that is released. This is then sucked into a particular area, where it can settle down, and then be removed without putting anyone at risk. The other type of filtration system is for fine dust collection. This is usually through some type of HEPA filters filtration system. This will capture the most minute particles, preventing it from getting into the lungs of workers that are at your facility.

What About Dust Suppression Systems?

Although dust collection(recolección de polvo) systems are very common, there are also systems that can suppress dust from getting in the air. Since there are many materials that are hydrophobic, the systems that are used can capture dust very efficiently, such as a dry fog dust suppression system. Regardless of the one that you use, as long as you have several of these available, you can prevent almost all of the dust from becoming airborne.

AJY-25 mobile ready mixed concrete plant
AJY-25 mobile ready mixed concrete plant

When you are choosing a new system to produce concrete, make sure the dust suppression and dust collection systems are some of the best in the industry(industria). These will typically originate from companies that are also exceptional at producing concrete manufacturing equipment. The combination of the two will allow you to operate a concrete production facility that will be safe and will follow local laws and regulations. These typically come from a company that is well known in the industry that is producing the best ones that are available.