What You Should Know About Basic Asphalt Mixing Plant Functions

When an asphalt mixing plant is functioning properly, it can produce thousands of gallons of asphalt every single day. Whether this is a portable unit or a stationary system, they are designed to be as efficient as possible. In general, an asphalt mixing plant will have very specific functions. These functions are tied directly to the many components that allow it to produce this material. When something goes wrong, modern systems are able to identify what function is not working properly. Let’s discuss how these mixing plants work when producing the asphalt that you will need.

How Do They Produce Asphalt?

The production of asphalt(tipos de plantas de asfalto) is quite easy to understand. It consists of a homogenous mixture of several different components. This includes the use of aggregate material that is dry and filtered. This should be done at temperatures that will cause the bitumen to melt. In the drum where the components will reside, they will begin to amalgamate together. The final product will be a viscous material that can be poured onto roadways. All of this can happen in the context of the asphalt plant or portable unit that you will purchase from a reliable source.

Common Operations Of Asphalt Mixing Plants

There are several different processes that will occur when aggregate materials, bitumen, fly ash, and other components are eventually mixed together to produce asphalt(venta de planta de asfalto movil). There will first be an assessment and screening of the aggregates that are being used. They need to be of a certain diameter for them to work properly. This involves the screening of the aggregates, as well as the drying and heating of these materials. From there, this material, along with bitumen, will be combined. At high temperatures, and with a consistent amount of rotation, the final product will be produced and can be stored in an asphalt silo.

80t stationary asphalt batching plant
stationary asphalt batching plant

How To Obtain One That Is Affordable

The most affordable systems are not necessarily those that are the most basic. Businesses that specialize in the construction of asphalt mixing plants do not all pay the same amount to have them built. The cost of each component, as well as the cost of labor, can differ significantly. The location of the manufacturing plant, and the sources for raw materials, will always contribute to the final price that you will pay. This will also include how much it will cost to obtain aggregate material that is pre-filtered for your asphalt production. The most affordable systems may be in different countries which will then require the cost of shipping. However, the total cost will always be much lower when working with these companies. My review here: https://aimixgrupo.com/

Asphalt mixing plants will be able to produce asphalt consistently if the functionality of the plant is not compromised. This could occur by obtaining one that is lower in price, or by compromising on the quality of the components that are used. Either way, you need to know that you are getting one of the best systems for producing asphalt. Your research will eventually lead to asphalt mixing plant(plantas asfalticas continuas) companies that will have the exact product that you need for your business.

ALYQ40 mobile asphalt batching plant
ALYQ40 mobile asphalt batching plant